My role at the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre
I joined ZERO2FIVE in 2022 and my role is to manage the practical and operational activities of the pilot plant facilities at the Food Industry Centre and offer technical and operational support to Welsh businesses with their food quality and safety systems, specialising in hygienic factory and equipment design.
- To support Welsh businesses in the use of the pilot plant facilities, enabling them to develop, test and evaluate new products at trial stage, prior to considering full scale production.
- Offer support and knowledge transfer when upscaling from trial to production.
- To give operational and technical knowledge transfer to Welsh food companies to review their processes, reduce waste and make their operations more sustainable.
- To offer support and knowledge transfer to businesses looking to set up a new production facility or factory or when considering purchasing new equipment.
- Working on various technical projects with Welsh businesses from internal audits, HACCP review and development to legal compliance and training. Working with SALSA, BRCGS Start and BRCGS accredited companies.
- Provide a link between the student population and external stakeholders such as IFST, EHEDG and IAFP.
- Formulate and run technical workshops and deliver to Welsh businesses e.g. Hygienic Design.
- Conduct applied food industry research.
- Support the academic team with lectures and practical sessions.
- Health and Safety responsibilities.
- Represent ZERO2FIVE at conferences and events including involvement in some organising committees.