My role at the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre
My role spans 3 main areas, Marketing, Research and Skills Gaps.
To market the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre brand and the Centres products and services, to the food and drink industry and stakeholders. Manage social media, advertising and PR. Internal and External event management particularly for exhibitions. Support all Welsh Government (WG) activity such as the dissemination of business opportunities including to the industry. Manage databases of industry and stakeholder contacts, keeping them robust and up-to-date.
Industry research activities include investigating the knowledge and behaviour determining levels of skills and training gaps. Up-skilling industry, focusing on Wales and the WG action plan. Development and implementation of an annual industry survey which feeds information and data to the WG.
Managing projects such as Food Industry Skills Project (FISP) and Work-based Learning Project Food Industry Learning Online (FILO). FISP was designed to recruit and retain food technologists in the food and drink manufacturing industry in Wales resulting in short courses, an online Masters, a bursary student placement scheme, an industry newsletter and research on the need for a foundation degree. FILO was funded through European Structured Funds and involved the development and delivery of bite size industry specific qualifications.