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Dr Anna Bryant

Reader in Physical Health Education
Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy


Dr Anna Bryant is the Director of Teacher Education and Professional Learning at the Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy (CSESP), Cardiff Metropolitan University. As part of this role, Dr Bryant Chairs the Cardiff Partnership Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Research Advisory Board. This board is comprised of members from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff University and the University of Oxford.

After a period as a secondary physical education teacher at Ysgol Bro Morgannwg, Dr Bryant joined the University as a full time member of staff in 2011. She has since made a significant contribution to the development of the SPE Programme, student engagement and more recently Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at the Cardiff Partnership.

Dr Bryant's work has focused on adopting a person-centred approach with teachers and learners in primary and secondary schools. The context of this work has been framed around physical literacy, health physical education and professional learning / enquiry. She has made a valuable contribution to the 'Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol' activities in particular the supervision of a PhD through the medium of Welsh. Dr Bryant has project led Cardiff Metropolitan University's 'Sport Wales' Physical Literacy Consultants' and was an international panel member for the Australian Sports Commission's Physical Literacy Project (2016-2017). More recently, Dr Bryant has been involved in providing academic consultancy to the Welsh Government on the new Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) and has played a central part in Cardiff Metropolitan University's Welsh Government National Professional Enquiry Project (NPEP).

Research Publications

Examining the mediating role of motivation in the relationships between teacher-created motivational climates and quality of engagement in secondary school physical education

Milton, D., Appleton, P. R., Quested, E., Bryant, A. & Duda, J. L., 30 Jan 2025, In: PLoS ONE. 20, 1, p. e0316729 e0316729.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A critical endeavour? Supporting teachers’ journeys towards critical engagement with curriculum in physical education through cross-border dialogue

Gray, S., Stirrup, J., Hooper, O., Bryant, A. S., Sandford, R., Carse, N. & Hardley, S., 6 Jul 2024, In: Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. p. 1-17 17 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Exploring the re-legitimisation of messages for health and physical education within contemporary English and Welsh curricula reform

Stirrup, J., Aldous, D., Gray, S., Sandford, R., Hooper, O., Hardley, S., Bryant, A. S. & Carse, N. R., 3 Aug 2023, In: Sport, Education and Society. 29, 8, p. 939-951 13 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Exploring physical education teachers’ conceptualisations of health and wellbeing discourse across the four nations of the UK

Gray, S., Hardley, S., Bryant, A. S., Hooper, O., Stirrup, J., Sandford, R., Aldous, D. & Carse, N., 10 Feb 2023, In: Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. 15, 1, p. 1-23 23 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy

Carl, J., Bryant, A. S., Edwards, L. C., Bartle, G., Birch, J. E., Christodoulides, E., Emeljanovas, A., Fröberg, A., Gandrieau, J., Gilic, B., van Hilvoorde, I., Holler, P., Iconomescu, T. M., Jaunig, J., Laudanska-Krzeminska, I., Lundvall, S., De Martelaer, K., Martins, J., Mieziene, B. & Mendoza-Muñoz, M. & 16 others, Mouton, A., Olaru, B. S., Onofre, M., Pavlova, I., Repond, M. R., Riga, V., Salin, K., Schnitzler, C., Sekulic, D., Töpfer, C., Vasickova, J., Yıldızer, G., Zito, V., Bentsen, P., Green, N. & Elsborg, P., 4 Jan 2023, In: Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 21, 1, p. 165-176 12 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A health(y) subject? Examining discourses of health in physical education curricula across the UK

Gray, S., Hooper, O., Hardley, S., Sandford, R., Aldous, D., Stirrup, J., Carse, N. & Bryant, A. S., 13 Jul 2022, In: British Educational Research Journal. 48, 6, p. 1161-1182 22 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

A comparative analysis of discourses shaping physical education provision within and across the UK

Gray, S., Sandford, R., Stirrup, J., Aldous, D., Hardley, S., Carse, N. R., Hooper, O. & Bryant, A. S., 1 Dec 2021, In: European Physical Education Review. 28, 3, p. 575-593 19 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Threshold Concepts in Physical Education: A Design Thinking Approach

Bryant, A., Aldous, D. & Chambers, F., 30 Nov 2020, London: Routledge.

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

Appreciative inquiry as a methodological approach to collaboration between different sporting organisations in Wales to promote physical literacy

Morgan, K., Bryant, A. S. & Edwards, L. C., 21 Sept 2020, In: Sport, Education and Society. 27, 1, p. 27-40 14 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Mentoring PE Student Teachers in Wales: lessons from a systematic review of literature

Bethell, S., Bryant, A., Cooper, S. M., Edwards, L. & Hodgkin, K., 1 Sept 2020, In: Wales Journal of Education.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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