CWBL has developed the Foundation and Masters Degrees in Applied Professional Practice. These degrees are based on management and leadership, and personal development. They allow a student to demonstrate competence through work-based projects, rather than through traditional dissertations and exams. The degrees are aimed at people in the workplace, and allow a flexible approach to study through a blend of learning opportunities, together with the experience of studying within the university, attending lectures and workshops, and using a range of resources and research capabilities.
The work based learning module matrix designed for the Foundation and Masters degrees can be applied in any industry. Modules can be tailored to suit the subject-specific needs of an industry, and the course can be delivered completely in-house if a company requires it.
For more information on the degrees, or to see if the work based learning matrix can be designed and delivered in your own subject area, please contact us at 029 2020 5510.
Cardiff Met and Acorn have joined forces to launch a unique work based learning degree.
Read the detailed Delegates Guide to see how Acorn Learning Ltd are delivering the FdA in Applied Professional Practice as part of a franchise agreement between Acorn and Cardiff Met.