Quality Enhancement Directorate are delighted to announce the development of QED PED-R, a Pedagogic Research Group
The group aims to draw together people who are already engaged in pedagogic research and to build a widening community of practice to enhance this activity and invite newcomers into pedagogic research. It is expected the PED R group will be an empowering, supportive environment alongside critical debate about best practice.
We want to:
- Increase the amount of PED R across the university and support newcomers to PED R through mentorship
- Enhance the practice of academic and professional staff, and provide opportunity for dissemination through journal publications, conference presentations and professional magazines
- Enhance career opportunities for staff through linking PED R with applications for Senior Fellow, National Teaching Fellow, or the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (further information here)
- Have regular dissemination events around all aspects of PED R including responding to skills gaps of members, presentation of best practice, gaining feedback on early ideas or research data
- Connect PED R with strategic objectives through call projects
- Link with existing funding support such as the Student Engagement Fund (further information here)
- Provide opportunities to build collaborative partnerships with staff in other Schools
- Provide a support network for PED R - for example, consider a centralised PED R ethics panel
- Support the development of proceedings from the annual Quality Enhancement Conference
- Develop distinct areas of PED R expertise pertinent to Cardiff Met, and use this to push strategic change and in branding activities
- Use the group to continue to develop and drive a shared vision of Cardiff Met’s strategic direction in learning and teaching
The Launch Event for the new Pedagogic Research Group was led by Corony Edwards from the University of Exeter and held on 16th March 2021, 1000-1200 online. There was enthusiastic support and commitment to the initiative.
Further details will be added in due course once the feedback from the event has been drawn into an action plan for the coming year.