About>Quality Enhancement Directorate>Festival of Learning
Festival of Learning

Festival of Learning

Summer Event for Programme Directors

Thursday 29th June 2023

With a range of internal & external guests and speakers, the day itself focuses on themes around Transformative Higher Education, exploring areas of our new Strategy, and looking towards engagement and enhancement.


Welcome to the Day & Opening Welcome

Please join us in the Atrium (Llandaff) for coffee, pastries, and chat as the day gets underway – Professor Jacqui Boddington will outline the focus of the day, and her vision for teaching and learning at Cardiff Met in our programmes.

Opening Session with Dr Kevin Merry

Our guest, Dr Kevin Merry, invites us to consider education as transformation, and outlines how he sees opportunities for social justice, inclusion, and equity contributing to this vision.

Morning Workshops

(Each workshop has a capacity of 25)

Belonging & Becoming

How can an increased sense of connectedness and belonging within programmes impact student outcomes and satisfaction?

Inclusion & Equity

Using examples from Universal Design for Learning at DeMontfort and elsewhere, our guest Dr Kevin Merry considers its impact for teaching and for assessment.

Sustainability in Curriculum

Considering the increased inclusion in updated subject benchmarks and a drive towards sustainability in curriculum, what are the challenges and themes to consider?

Made@Met: Student Journey Insights

With student partners, we reflect upon some Made@Met journeys and consider the implications and lessons for transition and experience.

Pedagogic Research at Cardiff Met

Announcing the launch of the refreshed PedR network and project funds, this session explores the drive for pedagogic research across the University, and implications for practice.

Journey Mapping the Programme Director Year

Reviewing the timeline of the PD role, this interactive session reviews the support, demands, and challenges of the role, and collegiately gathers implications and lessons for central and schools based practice.

Afternoon Workshops

(Each workshop has a capacity of 25)

Belonging & Becoming

How can an increased sense of connectedness and belonging within programmes impact student outcomes and satisfaction?

Welsh Language Support and Development

Sharing new support for teaching Welsh Curricula, and case studies from across the Schools, this interactive session provides an active reflection on Welsh Language teaching and learning.

Sustainability in Curriculum

Considering the increased inclusion in updated subject benchmarks and a drive towards sustainability in curriculum, what are the challenges and themes to consider?

Made@Met: Student Journey Insights

With student partners, we reflect upon some Made@Met journeys and consider the implications and lessons for transition and experience.

Pedagogic Research at Cardiff Met

Announcing the launch of the refreshed PedR network and project funds, this session explores the drive for pedagogic research across the University, and implications for practice.

Journey Mapping the Programme Director Year

Reviewing the timeline of the PD role, this interactive session reviews the support, demands, and challenges of the role, and collegiately gathers implications and lessons for central and schools based practice.

The event is primarily aimed at Programme Directors, Senior colleagues, and key Learning & Teaching staff.

Booking information has been sent directly to eligible colleagues.

Further enquiries can be made to QED@cardiffmet.ac.uk.