Samuel A, White GRT, Mason-Jones R.(2020) The evolution of the social enterprise. Strategic Change. 2020; 29, Issue 4, Pages:411-496, (Special issue editors introductory article)
Francis, M., Thomas, A., Fisher, R. and Mason-Jones, R. (2019) ‘Author and institution citation analysis of the lean literature’ International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, Vol 3. No. 4,
Mason-Jones, R., Davies, P., and Thomas, A. (2019) Introducing the Theory of Constraints to explore the tidal and marine energy supply chain. EWTEC19 Naples Italy.
Haven-Tang, C., Thomas, A., Mason-Jones, R. and Byard, P. (2019) Towards the Development of a Smart Systems Preparedness Tool for Manufacturing SMEs Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII,
White, GRT, Samuel, A, Pickernell, DG, Taylor, and Mason-Jones, R (2018), 'Social entrepreneurs in challenging places: a Delphi study of experiences and perspectives', Local Economy, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 800-821
Thomas, A., Dorrington, P., Haven-Tang, C., Mason-Jones, R., Francis, M., Fisher, R. and Liu, S. (2018) The application of group consensus theory to aid organisational learning and sustainable innovation in manufacturing SMEs, Cogent Business & Management, 5:1, DOI:10.1080/23311975.2018.1423788
Hill, J., Thomas, A.J., Mason-Jones, R.K., El Kateb, S. (2018) 'The Implementation of a Lean Six Sigma Framework to Enhance Operational Performance in an MRO Facility" Production and Manufacturing Research', 6(1), pp.26-48.
Davies, P. and Mason-Jones, R (2017) “Communities of Interest as a Lens to Explore the Advantage of Collaborative Behaviour for Developing Economies; An Example of the Welsh Organic Food Sector” Special Issue for International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.