International>Global Opportunities>Challenges Abroad - Health, Wellbeing and Social Impact programme

Challenges Abroad: Health, Wellbeing and Social Impact programme

Challenges Abroad: Health, Wellbeing and Social Impact programme

Country: Thailand

Dates: 4 weeks

Cost: £1695

What's included: Accommodation & Food, in-country transport

​You will have the opportunity to engage with the Challenges Abroad Health and Wellbeing and Social Impact programmes in Thailand. You will have the opportunity to travel Mae Sariang, where you will connect with local community members, with a core focus on health and wellbeing. You will gain experience and intercultural awareness on an international platform, which will enhance global awareness and increase your employability.

As a Health and Wellbeing participant you will visit a Buddhist monastery and share skills with novice monks of similar ages to yourself. You will also have the opportunity to develop your understanding of Thai customs and culture.

As a Social Impact participant will have the opportunity to visit an Elephant Park led by world renowned conservationists and develop their understanding of conservation and contribute to reforestation projects.

You will work effectively as a team as you develop your creative skills, solve problems, develop your confidence and adaptability skills, all whilst communicating respectfully across different languages and develop your ability to be self-reflective, whilst understanding and embracing the concept of global citizenship.