In today's world, in business, public and third sectors alike, organisations must adapt to rapidly changing environments. The Cardiff School of Management's International Summer School provides delegates with a critical appreciation of the role managers undertake in the modern business world. The two-week full-time tuition programme offers you a multi-disciplinary taster of the skills and knowledge necessary to deal with today's diverse business, leadership and management problems.
The programme is designed for students from all disciplines whose field of study may see them assuming management responsibility one day. Together with other participants from around the world, you will work on a team project that gives you an opportunity to apply what you have learned. Business experts and academics from Cardiff Met will give you a vivid impression of the practical work of leadership and management which will hopefully inspire you to take your learning further. Topics and activities include:
- Making strategic choices including information theory
- The role of IT with emphasis on social media tools
- Commercial and social entrepreneurship
- Executing a project
- Project leadership
- Budgeting, monitoring and controlling a project
- Team building, teamwork and managing conflict
- Expanding strategic choices including sustainability and Corporate social responsibility
- Introduction to Bloomberg software
Additional information:
Academic Status: Non-credit bearing
School: Cardiff School of Management
Dates: 16th July to 27th July 2018
Application Deadline: 31st May 2018
Venue: Llandaff Campus
English language requirement: None required, however please note that good working knowledge of English is expected and that all classes will be taught through the medium of English.
Academic pre-requisites: Qualified to study at university. Please note the above sessions are aimed at all Undergraduate and Postgraduate level of study.
Fee: £1,300
Apply Now