2008 onwards:
1. Cullen, T. Thomas, A.W. Webb, R. Hughes, M.G. "The relationship between interleukin-6 in saliva, venous and capillary plasma, at rest and in response to exercise" Cytokine (in press).
2. Davies, N.A., Watkeys, L., Butcher, L., Potter, S., Hughes, M.G.1, Moir, H.2, Morris, K., Thomas, A.W. and Webb, R. "The Roles of Oxidative Stress, Oxidised Lipoproteins and AMPK in Exercise-Associated PPARg Signalling within Human Monocytic Cells" Free Radical Research (in press).
3. Thomas AW, Davies NA, Moir H, Watkeys L, Ruffino JS, Isa SA, Butcher LR, Hughes MG, Morris K, Webb R.(2012) Exercise-associated generation of PPARγ ligands activates PPARγ signalling events and upregulates genes related to lipid metabolism.J Appl Physiol; 112(5):806-15.
4. Moir H, Hughes MG, Potter S, Sims C, Butcher LR, Davies NA, Verheggen K, Jones KP, Thomas AW, Webb R. (2010) Exercise-induced immunosuppression: roles of reactive oxygen species and 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase dephosphorylation within immune cells. Appl Physiol.108(5):1284-92
5. Caddy, J., Isa, S., Adam, E., Roberts, A., Lang, D., Morris, R.H.K., Thomas, A.W. Webb, R. (2010) Rosiglitazone induces the unfolded protein response, but has no effect on cell viability, in monocytic and vascular smooth muscle cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 400(4):689-95
6. Yakeu, G. Butcher, L. Webb, R. Roberts, A. Thomas, AW, Backx, K., James, P,E Morris, K. (2010) "Low-intensity exercise triggers monocyte polarisation into the M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype" Atherosclerosis. 212(2):668-73.
7. Isa, S.A., Mainwaring, L.S., Webb. R. and Thomas, A.W. (2009): "The Non-Genomic Effects of High Doses of Rosiglitazone on Cell Growth and Apoptosis in Cultured Monocytic Cells" Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 2(2): pp.1-8.
8. Butcher, L., Backx, K., Roberts, A., Thomas, A., Webb, R., and Morris, K. (2008): "Low-intensity exercise exerts beneficial effects on plasma lipids via PPARg" Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40 (7), pp. 1–7.
9. Caddy, J., Singh, N., Atkin, L., Ahluwalia, M., Roberts, A.W., Lang, D., Thomas, A.W. and Webb, R. (2008): "Rosiglitazone Transiently Disturbs Calcium Homeostasis in Monocytic Cells" Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 366, p.149-155.