Are you a Social Worker interested in your own continuing professional development? Do you want to meet the requirements of Social Care Wales re-registration criteria? Do you like seeing people grow and develop? Would you like to undertake a critical role in social work education and promote the learning and teaching of student social workers?
If this interests you, completing our Enabling Practice Learning Award at Cardiff Metropolitan University, will provide you with Social Care Wales approved qualification to enable you to undertake a critical role in social work education and become a Practice Educator (previously known as Practice Assessor / Practice Teacher).
This Award, as well as promoting your own professional standing, contributes to continuing professional development and provides excellent evidence of post-registration training and learning as well as providing a wonderful opportunity to be part of developing the future of social work in Wales. It enables you to acquire knowledge and skills in relation to supervising and assessing social work practice at either qualifying or post qualifying levels. Whilst practice educator can be a demanding role, it draws upon many of the social work skills that you already possess, such as communication, negotiation, collecting and analysing information, setting and working to targets, managing, enabling others and writing reports.
The Enabling Practice Learning Award at Cardiff Met is taught face-to-face on the Llandaff Campus and is available at both Level 6 and Level 7 (Masters) and the Award is 30 Academic Credits. The module is interactive, is taught by experienced lecturers (who themselves have undertaken the practice educator role, previously known as practice assessor) and the six taught days (in addition to a half day induction) provide the opportunity for you to acquire evidence-informed knowledge related to practice assessing and, meet other candidates who like yourselves, aspire to be part of the student learning journey.