Canolfannau a Grwpiau Ymchwil ac Arloesi
Mae gan Met Caerdydd ystod eang o ganolfannau a grwpiau ymchwil yn ganolbwyntiedig ar ymchwil trawiadol ledled y byd, ac yn cwmpasu meysydd pwnc sy'n unol â phob un o'n hysgolion academaidd.
Dysgwch am ein cydweithrediadau a sut rydym yn cyfrannu at Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (SDGs) y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Gallwch hefyd weld allbynnau ymchwil a chyhoeddiadau, yn ogystal â phroffiliau ymchwilwyr ac aelodaeth canolfannau a grwpiau unigol.
- Artistic Research
- Centre for Applied Research in Inclusive Art & Design (CARIAD)
- Climate Adaptation Research and Design Initiatives (CARDI)
- Creative Learning Research
- Design Futuring Research
- FAB-Cre8
- Fovolab
- Research into Masculinities (RiMS)
- Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment (SuRBe) Research Group
- Sustainable Growing Futures (SGF)
- User Centred Design Research (UCDR)
- Visual Culture Research Group
- Applied Psychology in Education and Community Settings Research Group (APECS)
- Cardiff Education and Social Justice Research Group
- Centre for International Research into Leadership in Education (CIRLE)
- Childhood and Youth Research Group
- Creative Writing, Community Health and Wellbeing Research Group (CREWCOM)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Education Research Group
- English Literature and the Global Research Group
- Gender and Sexuality Research Group
- Group for Research in Music Education (GRiME)
- Hub for Evidence-Based Research in Criminology and Policing
- Pontio-Trawsnewidiadau Addysgol Oes / Educational Transitions Across the Lifespan (Pontio-ETAL) Research Group
- Research for Holistic and Wild Pedagogies (HAWP) Group
- Social Policy and Practice Research Group
- Centre for Applied Sports Science & Medicine (CASSM)
- Centre for Cardiovascular Research, Innovation And Development (CURIAD)
- Centre for Health, Activity & Wellbeing Research (CAWR)
- Centre for Health Immunology Microbiology and Environment (CHIME)
- Centre for Speech, Hearing, & Communication Research (CSHCR)
- Centre for Sport Coaching, Management & Culture
- ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre
- BioEngineering Research Group (BRG)
- Centre for Engineering Research in Intelligent Sensors and Systems (CeRISS)
- Centre for Industry 4.0 and Blockchain Research (CI4BCR)
- Creative Computing Research Centre (CCRC)
- Cybersecurity and Information Networks Centre (CINC)
- Eureka Robotics Centre
- NetZero and Sustainability Research Group
- Design & Innovation Policy
- Ecodesign
- Surgical & Prosthetic Design