Specialist Subject Areas
- History and Theory of XX century Architecture, with a focus on early XX century German Architecture
- Architectural Criticism
- Doctor of Philosophy in History of Architecture and Urbanism, “G. D’Annunzio” University, Cheti-Pescara (IT)
- Master’s degree in Architecture (Laurea Magistralis, 5-years course), “G. D’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara (IT)
Dr Paola Ardizzola is Lecturer in Architecture, History and Theory at Cardiff School of Art and Design.
She established the four years BA (Hons) Architecture and the BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Antalya International University, Turkey, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, where she served as Executive Dean and Department Chairperson until 2017. After moving as Assistant Professor to the Lebanese American University in Beirut, where she contributed to the attainments of NAAB and NASAB accreditation, she became an Associate Professor at the German University in Cairo, taking part in the works of the Curriculum Reviewing Committee for the BA and MA Programs.
She is a research committee member of the SAH- Society of Architectural Historians, Historic Interiors Affiliate Group, SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award Committee member, scientific committee member of the Journal “Vitruvio”, member of the UK National Network to develop teaching in History and Theory of Architecture, member of ACSA - Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and member of EAHN - European Architectural History Network. Paola served as curator of several international architecture and art exhibitions (Canada, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, USA). She was awarded the Bruno Zevi International Prize for her studies on Bruno Taut’s oeuvre in Turkey.
Current Research
Currently, Paola is completing her research studies on the architect Zvi Hecker, whose oeuvre is disseminated in Israel, Europe and the United States, with a special focus on his 46 Sketchbooks.
She is also deepening her research about the Jewish components which influenced architectural Modernism, and the interpretation of the architectural heritage within the contemporary city.
Doctoral Supervision
- Advisor of the Ph.D candidate Abdul Khader Shihabuddeen Vaippipadath, Cardiff Metropolitan University, with the dissertation “Finding Resonances between Venice and Dubai through reflective art practices”.
- Co-advisor of the Ph.D candidate Stella Lolli, University “G. D’Annunzio”, Pescara, IT, with the dissertation “Fragmented landscape: rebuilding habitats in response to climate change”.
- Ardizzola, P. (ed.) (2022) The Architecture of Zvi Hecker and the Italian projects. Pescara: Fondazione Pescarabruzzo. - Ardizzola, P. and Niglio, O. (eds.). (2018) The legacy of Bruno Zevi for the XXI century. Rome: Aracne.
- Ardizzola, P. (2011). The heterodox line of Bruno Taut in Turkey, or a possible conciliation between tradition and modernity. Rome: Bruno Zevi Foundation.
- Ardizzola, P, Wessel, A., and Ghisetti, A. (2008) Leopold Gmelin. Studi sull’architettura in Abruzzo alla fine dell’800. Rome: Gangemi.
- Ardizzola, P. (2007) Le inquietudini del Barocco in “Il Sei/Settecento all’Aquila: il Barocco ritrovato”. L’Aquila: Soroptimist.
Book Chapters
- Ardizzola, P. (2023) ‘The stone/shell housing unit. For a future with possibilities’, in S. Rivière and W. Simbuerger (eds.) The Dream - Play - Challenge Project: Facing up to the Crisis in Residential Living. Hamburg/Berlin: Simbürger & Rivière, pp. 100-107.
- Ardizzola, P. (2022) ‘Zvi Hecker and Italy. Prolegomena on non-negligible paralipomena’, in P. Ardizzola (ed.) The Architecture of Zvi Hecker and the Italian projects. Pescara: Fondazione Pescarabruzzo, pp. 8-15.
- Ardizzola, P. and Palestini C. (2022) ‘Disegno come dialogo fra arte e architettura. Forma e geometria nell’opera di Zvi Hecker/Drawing as dialogue between art and architecture. Form and geometry in Zvi Hecker’s oeuvre’, in C. Battini and E. Bistagnino (eds.) Dialoghi. Visioni e visualità. Testimoniare Comunicare Sperimentare/Dialogues. Visions and visuality. Witnessing Communicating Experimenting. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 1239-1260. Ardizzola, P. (2021) ‘At the roots of modernity: the intrinsic Jewish component of modern architecture’, in A. Brämer, K. Keßler, U. Knufinke, and M. Przystawik (eds.) Jewish Architects – Jewish Architecture. Petersberg: Imhof, pp. 189-206.
- Ardizzola, P. (2021) ‘Activism in the Middle East: Bruno Taut and his house on the Bosphorus’, in I. Doucet, J. Gosseye (eds.) Activism at Home – Aesthetics of Resistance. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 141-153.
- Ardizzola, P. (2021) ‘The Formalism and the Real: Bruno Taut Translation of Neues Bauen in Exile’, in A. Bärnreuther (ed.) Taking a Stand? Debating the Bauhaus and Modernism. Munich: Metzel, pp. 169-183.
- Ardizzola, P. (2018) ‘History will teach us everything. Bruno Zevi and the innovative methodology for future design’, in P. Ardizzola and O. Niglio (eds.) The legacy of Bruno Zevi for the XXI century. Rome: Aracne, pp. 5-11.
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Chiese d’emergenza: l’esempio di Bartning non ha attecchito in Italia’, in L. Bartolomei (ed.) Le chiese di quest’ultimo lustro, Il Giornale dell’Architettura online book, pp. 29-30 (available at https://inchieste.ilgiornaledellarchitettura.com/chiese-ultimo-lustro/).
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘D’ora in poi non sará forse il viaggio stesso la nostra patria? Bruno Taut esule in Giappone (1933-36): un viaggio fra scrittura e visione’, in G. Belli, F. Capano and M. I. Pascariello (eds.) La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e trasformazione/ The city, the travel, the tourism. Perception, production and processing. Naples: Cirice, pp. 1085-1090.
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Against Architecture as Effective Resistance. The Design Protest of Hans Scharoun during the Nazism’ in T. Balcıoğlu and G. Baydar (eds.), Design and Resistance, Izmir: Yasar University, pp. 196-214.
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Spirito espressionista e spiritualitá religiosa: le chiese di Otto Bartning per una architettura dell’immanenza’, in O. Niglio and. C. Visentin (eds.) Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio religioso culturale, Vol. II. Rome: Aracne, 2017, pp. 21-27.
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Introduction’, in S. Hochhäusl From Vienna to Frankfurt: a history of crisis, limited resources, and the modern kitchen by, Rome: Bruno Zevi Foundation, p. 5.
- Ardizzola, P. and E. Bölükbaş Dayi (2016) ‘How is Interior Architecture perceived in Turkey? A survey for new methodologies and strategies in Interior Architecture education’, in P. Yildiz (ed.) 1st International Symposium ‘Education in Interior Architecture’ in the Year of German-Turkish Research, Education and Innovation. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 94-103.
- Ardizzola, P. (2016) ‘Castelvecchio Calvisio. The castle of the crossed destinies/Castelvecchio Calvisio. Il castello dei destini incrociati’, in G. Feld (ed.), Scale e scalini di Castelvecchio Calvisio. Milton Keyness, pp. 7-9.
- Ardizzola, P. (2004) ‘Am Schillerpark, Berlino 1924: la Siedlung dimenticata di Bruno Taut’ in T. Scalesse (ed.) OPUS - Quaderni di Storia, Architettura, Restauro VII/2003, Pescara: Carsa, pp. 453-466.
Journal Articles
- Ardizzola, P. (2023) ‘The architecture of syncretism: transforming the ordinary into extraordinary – Interview with Zvi Hecker’, VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability 8(1), pp. 4-19. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.19967
- Ardizzola, P. and Grądzka, J. (2022) ‘On the wings of Copernicus. The Shakespearean theatre in Gdansk and other sky’s visions - interview with Renato Rizzi’, VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability 7(2), pp. 4-19. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvioijats.2022.19041 - Ardizzola, P. (2021) ‘IMAGO Museum a Pescara. Dove il passato diviene lo spazio della contemporaneità/
- IMAGO Museum in Pescara. Where the past becomes the space of contemporaneity’, EdA - Esempi di Architettura International Journal of Architecture and Engineering 12(2), pp. 1-9. Available at: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/sito/journal_pdf/PDF%202021/24.%20EDA_2021_2_ARDIZZOLA.pdf 4
- Ardizzola, P. and Khoury, R. (2021) ‘From the Port City of Beirut to Beirut Central District: Narratives of Destruction and Re-Constructions’, SPOOL 8(1), pp. 5-22. Available at: https://doi.org/10.7480/spool.2021.1.5905
- Ardizzola, P. and Khoury, R. (2021) ‘Syrian Children’s Imagination and Play Areas in Highly Deprived Areas in Beirut’, IJIA-International Journal of Islamic Architecture - special issue: Dis-Placed, 10(2), pp. 467-484. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1386/ijia_00052_1
- Ardizzola, P. (2020) ‘L’alterità come vantaggio sul Corona/Alterity as advantage on the Corona’ EdA - Esempi di Architettura International Journal of Architecture and Engineering, 4(1), pp. 1-7. Available at: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/sito/journal_pdf/PDF%202020/11.%20EDA_2020_PAOLA%20ARDIZZOLA.pdf
- Ardizzola, P. (2018) ‘Il viaggio come strumento di conoscenza: il Giappone narrato da Bruno Taut attraverso appunti, saggi e disegni’, ANANKE, 85(10), pp. 61-65.
- Ardizzola, P. (2018) ‘The theoretical production of Bruno Taut: a different vision of Modernism’, Arredamento Mimarlik, 323(9), pp. 73-77.
- Ardizzola, P. (2018) ‘Bruno Taut, metteur en scène of Mustafa Kemal Atatűrk catafalque’, IN_BO, Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l’architettura, 9(12), pp. 251-263.
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Architectural practice and theory: the case of Bruno Taut's house in Berlin-Dahlewitz’, VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability 2(1), pp. 44-56. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2017.7496
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Dall’utopia alla realtá architettonica: la visione di Bruno Taut durante la Repubblica di Weimar/From utopia to architectural reality: Bruno Taut's vision during the Weimar Republic’, EdA - Esempi di Architettura International Journal of Architecture and Engineering, 4(1), pp. 77-86. Available at: 10.4399/97888548991938
- Ardizzola, P. (2010) ‘Bruno Taut’un Türkiye’deki Heterodoks Çizgisi, ya da Gelenek ile Modernite Arasindaki Olasi Uzlaşi Üzerine/ On Bruno Taut's Heterodox Line in Turkey, or the Possible Reconciliation Between Tradition and Modernity’, Kastel 1(2), pp. 18-22.
Newspaper Articles
- Ardizzola, P. (2020) ‘Coronavirus, le meraviglie dell’Italia siamo noi. E la distanza ci fa male perché siamo collettività’, Il fatto quotidiano, 21 March. Available at https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2020/03/21/coronavirus-le-meraviglie-dellitalia-siamo-noi-e-la-distanza-ci-fa-male-perche-siamo-collettivita/5742409/ (accessed 20 April 2023)
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Chiese d’emergenza: l’esempio di Bartning non ha attecchito in Italia’, Il Giornale dell’Architettura, 22 July. Available at: https://ilgiornaledellarchitettura.com/2017/07/22/chiese-demergenza-lesempio-di-bartning-non-ha-attecchito-in-italia/ (accessed 20 April 2023)
- Ardizzola, P., Soyek, B. and Bölükbaş Dayi, E. (2017) ‘A shelter is not enough: a pattern for refugees’ social life’, proceedings of the 6th International Alvar Aalto Meeting on Contemporary Architecture Technology and Humanism, Alvar Aalto Academy, Seinäjoki, Finland 13−17 September 2017, pp. 1-14 (available at: https://www.alvaraalto.fi/content/uploads/2017/08/arizzola_paola_cayi_esin_bolukbas_soyek_begum_www.pdf).
- Ardizzola, P. (2017) ‘Bruno Taut's works in Ankara - Neues bauen, space conception and architectural Turkish tradition’, in T. Elvan Altan, S. Enginsoy Ekinci, A. Uzay Peker (eds.) Architectural History Conference/Turkey I. Ankara: METU - Middle East Technical University, pp. 147-160.
- Ardizzola, P. (2016) ‘Colour as joie de vivre: Bruno Taut and the artistic reasons of an architectural choice’, in ARCHTHEO '16 Theory & history of architecture conference, Istanbul: Dakam, pp. 234-240. 5
- Ardizzola, P. (2014) ‘Bruno Taut’s antidogmatism: theory without theorization?’ In ARCHHIST’14, Movements & Outsiders in the History of Architecture, Istanbul: Dakam, pp. 111-128.
- Ardizzola, P. (2013) ‘The definition of the green as "outside living space" by Bruno Taut: an innovative means for shaping the social housing of the '20-'30s in Berlin’, in J. Erzen and R. Milani (eds.) Nature and the city. Beauty is taking on new form, Bologna: University of Bologna, Istituto di Studi Superiori, pp. 155-166.
- Ardizzola, P. (2008) ‘Bruno Taut in exile (1933–1938): the other Modernity’, in J. Erzen (ed.) Esthetics bridging cultures, Ankara: Sanart, pp. 252-260.
Art and Aesthetics
- Ardizzola, P. (2016) I diari di L’Aquila. Dieci piccole storie di terremoto, Mantua: Il Rio.
- Ardizzola, P. (2014) L’arte espressionista e la poetica pirandelliana. Affinità e convergenze, Benevento: Hevelius. Available at: https://issuu.com/hevelius_edizioni/docs/arte_espressionista_poetica_pirande
Book Chapter
- Ardizzola, P. (2007) ‘L’affabulante abbuffata dell’opera buffa o sia il Don Giovanni di Mozart’, in A. Cicchitti and C. Cotellessa (eds.) Il pane e la lingua–dalla dispensa abruzzese
Catalogue Exhibitions
- Ardizzola, P. (2014) ‘Aesthetics of the memento. From subjective memory to objective remembrance’, in N. Todorovic (ed.) Memento Urbis, Banja Luka: Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska.
- Ardizzola, P. (2021) ‘When the offended designs utopias’, in P. Ardizzola and R. Continenza (ed.) Il disegno e la cittá. L’Aquila oggi, fruizioni possibili, Lanciano: MusAA- MuseoArchitetturaArte.
- Ardizzola, P. (2009) ‘The presence of the absence’, in G. Merolli (ed.) Abruzzo, Barcelona: own Art Space.
- Ardizzola, P. (2009) ‘Things you are looking for are not in an outlet’ in N, Todorovic, Alpha nests, Belgrade: Belgrade Art Gallery.
- Ardizzola, P. (2009) ‘The permeability of a dialogue. Monet, the nature and the shady memory’, in P. Ardizzola (ed.) Ipertòpia, L’Aquila: Muspac/Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art.
- Ardizzola, P. (2008) ‘The floating world of Hiroko Kono’ in P. Ardizzola (ed.) Travel and Myth, L’Aquila: Muspac/Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art.
- Ardizzola, P. (2008) ‘Fragments of easy pieces. A challenging conversation’ in V. Bonanni, Vincenzo Bonanni – Rebel Rebel, Rome: Saint Louis College of Music.
- Ardizzola, P. (2007) ‘The river is inside us’ in N. Todorovic (ed.), Watermark(ed), Belgrade: Stara Kapetanija Gallery.
- Ardizzola, P. (2007) ‘Bei diesen Worten - A queste parole’ in F. Fiorillo (ed.), W., L’Aquila: Muspac/Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art. 6
- Ardizzola, P. (2006) ‘Nel viaggio quel che conta è sostare’ in P. Ardizzola (ed.) L’Altrove: l’Ebraismo e l’altrove – Il viaggio e l’altrove, Navelli: Palazzo Santucci.
- Ardizzola, P. (2005) ‘Homecoming’ in Le strade di casa, Rome/Navelli: Palazzo Santucci.
- Ardizzola, P. (2005) ‘Dialoghi interiori’, in L. Contestabile (ed.), Esercizi di memoria, L’Aquila: MUBAC.
- Ardizzola, P. (2004) ‘Naturalmente’ in P. Spoltore (ed.), Naturalmente, Mantua: Arianna Sartori Gallery.
- Ardizzola, P. (2004) ‘La sostenibile leggerezza del volo’ in M. Pesce, Sostenibili leggerezze, Rome: Alexandrina Library and Boston: Caturano Art Gallery.
- Ardizzola, P. (2004) ‘Voli’, in M Pesce (ed.) Voli, Rocca San Giovanni: Town Hall.
- Ardizzola, P. (2004) ‘L’arte racconta l’indicibile - Omaggio a Corrado Cagli’ in M. Rea (ed.) Projects Objects. Arte e dis/impegno sociale, Avezzano: Scuderie Torlonia.
- Ardizzola, P. (2002) ‘Between secrets and riddles’ in P. Ardizzola (ed.), Paesaggi e Passaggi/Landscapes and passages, Navelli: Palazzo Santucci.
- Ardizzola, P. (2001) ‘Dimmi che mi ami ed io suonerò per te’, in P. Ardizzola et alii (eds.) Nostrarte, Francavilla: MUMI-Museo Michetti.
- Ardizzola, P. (2001), ‘Space ‘999’, in P. Ardizzola et alii (eds.), Space ‘999, Ortona: Palazzo Farnese.
Webzine Article
- Ardizzola, P. (2014) ‘A cena con Don Giovanni’, Hevelius webzine Spring issue (no more accessible)
Exhibitions’ Curator
- 2022, September - he Architecture of Zvi Hecker. Italian projects, Maison des Artes, 17 September-16 October 2022, Pescara, Italy.
- 2013, July - Geographies of abandonment/Geografie dell'abbandono. Frammenti d'Abruzzo territorio narrato: paesaggio rurale, patrimonio celato, dispositivi fruitivi, produzioni percettive e funzionali. In partnership with Milan Polytechnic, MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano (I).
- 2013, July - The ancient public waters of Lanciano, works by Roberto Colacioppo and Angelo Presenza photographers, MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano.
- 2013, May - Future Archeology. Industrial archeology. Fotografia grafica installazioni, MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano (I).
- 2013, March - Feeling Landscape architectural and landscape works by Gabriele d’Oltremare, sketch master and land designer; MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano (I).
- 2012, December - Reviewing L'Aquila. Photos by Giorgio Stockel, Francesco Galli e Michael L. Horowitz, Santo Spirito Museum, Lanciano (I).
- 2012, October - Environment and architecture in Abruzzo and Antalya through freehand drawings, Chamber of Architects of Antalya, Antalya (TR).
- 2012, September - The drawing and the city. L'Aquila today, possible fruitions, MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano (I).
- 2012, April - Changing, landscapes and visions, art vs architecture, multimedia & site specific by Gabriele d'Oltremare, MusAA-Stella De Giorgio palace, Lanciano (I).
- 2011, July, Aug. – Journey in the aesthetics of landscape II-Matter and Memory, art installations and architecture drawings by Gabriele d'Oltremare, Palazzo del Capitano, Castelvecchio Calvisio and Mozzagrogna (I).
- 2009, October - Abruzzo, works by Gabriele Merolli photographer of architecture, Brossanova gallery- Espai d’art i diversitat cultural, Barcelona (ES). 7
- 2007, March - Curator of the art symposium “XVII and XVIII Century in L’Aquila: the re-discovered Baroque”, congress hall of the Abruzzo Regional Government Palace, L’Aquila (I).
- 2002, September - Taccuini di viaggio-Appunti sul Mediterraneo, graphic works by Gabriele d’Oltremare, Art Studio 88 Gallery, Lanciano (I).
- 1999, June - Abruzzo, the secret land. Architecture, drawing and photography, Kirchweidach (D).
- 2009, July - art show-fund raising Art for L’Aquila, Italian Cultural Institute, London (GB).
- 2009, March - Ipertòpia, works by Nina Todorović, MUSPAC- Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art, L’Aquila (I).
- 2008, August - Travel and Myth, works by Hiroko Kono, Palazzetto dei Nobili, L’Aquila (I).
- 2008, August - Donna tra terra e mare, works by Marina Mancuso, Cipolloni palace, L’Aquila (I).
- 2008, May - art exhibit of the artists Massimina Pesce, John Gentile e Silvio Mastrodascio, Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, Columbus Centre, Toronto (Canada).
- 2008, April - Rebel rebel, works by Vincenzo Bonanni, Saint Louis College of Music, Rome (I).
- 2007, July/August - Lo sguardo, la parola e l’incanto. Il Saturnino Gatti. Omaggio a Giovanni De Sanctis, Santucci Palace, Navelli (I).
- 2007, March - art happening “W.”, works and performance by Franco Fiorillo, MUSPAC-Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art, L’Aquila (I).
- 2006, September -: Art director of MAM - Mediterranean Art meeting, Bomba Lake (I).
- 2006, August –L’Altrove: l’Ebraismo e l’altrove – Il viaggio e l’altrove, works by Emanuele Luzzati and 13 young artists, Santucci Palace, Navelli (I).
- 2006, April - Within the 8th National Italian Culture Week, A volo d’angelo, works by Massimina Pesce, Frasca Palace, Calascio (I).
- 2005, July/August - Le strade di casa, works by Lea Contestabile, Franco Cenci and Alì Assaf, Santucci Palace, Navelli (I).
- 2004, August/November –Bereable Lightness, Prezza (I), L’Aquila, then Rome and Boston (USA), works by Massimina Pesce and John Gentile.
- 2004, September - Naturalmente, works by Paolo Spoltore, Arianna Sartori Gallery, Mantova (I).
- 2004, August - Projects/Objects, Corrado Cagli’s works and young contemporary artists, Torlonia Palace, Avezzano (I).
- 2004, July –Flights, paintings and sculptures by Massimina Pesce, San Vito Chietino (I).
- 2003, art meetings Art Process/Processi artistici-meeting with the artists, San Vito Chietino (I).
- 2002, August - Art director of the art symposium Landscapes and Passages, including fine arts, music, poetry, dance, land art and architecture, Santucci Palace, Navelli (I).
- 2000, August - Space ‘000. Art and architecture in an unused kiln, between new ideas and old traditions, San Vito Chietino (I).
- 1999, July-September – Wandering Exhibition: Space ‘999. Art and architecture with recycled materials, San Vito Chietino, Torino di Sangro, Mozzagrogna (I).
Awards and Fellowships
- 2010 – Awarded the Bruno Zevi International Prize for an historical-critical essay on Architecture
- Fellowships
- 2020 – DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Senior Fellowship for the Research Project Built and unbuilt: the impact of architecture on paper on the design process, with the support of Prof. Dr.-Ing. 8
- Jörg H. Gleiter, head of the Chair of Architectural Theory at the Institute of Architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin;
- 1999/2002 – Three years full state Scholarship for Ph.D Research in History of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, ‘G. D’Annunzio’ University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy. Additional scholarship for conducting studies abroad.
- Fellowship