Sports Coaching and Pedagogy

The sport coaching and pedagogy academic group at Cardiff Met carries out critical, innovative and diverse research. The investigative agenda is principally shaped and driven by a perception of coaching/pedagogy as a complex social endeavour, where practitioners are constantly engaged in managing the contextually related dilemmas that arise. The purpose is to generate judicious insight into sports participation and athlete learning, and how that experience is framed by coaches and teachers.

Main themes of research include

  • Physical literacy, motivation and pedagogical identity
  • Situational learning, language and 'scaffolding' practice
  • Coach education and collaborative learning
  • Coaching as a micro-political relational activity
  • The pedagogy of coaching
  • The complexity of coaching
  • Coaching as caring

Research Staff

Professor Robyn Jones
Dr David Aldous
Dr Anna Bryant
Dr Kerry Harris
Dr Andrew Lane
Dr Kevin Morgan
Dr Gethin Thomas
Jake Bailey
Dr Christian Edwards
Daniel Milton
Toby Nichols
Dr Sofia Santos​