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Types of Partnerships


A programme initially developed and validated for delivery at the University and subsequently delivered at a partner institution. Franchised programmes may be allowed limited, approved modifications deemed by the University to reflect the local context of the collaborating institution;


A programme developed by the collaborating institution and approved by the University to be delivered in that institution; In both of the above, delivery of the programme is normally by staff of the collaborating institution, though there may be some delivery by University staff in certain cases.

Outreach franchise 

A programme developed and validated at the University delivered at an institution other than the University by staff of the University or a combination of Cardiff Metropolitan University and partner staff.

The University also ope​rates an External Moderation arrangement whereby University staff provide quality assurance guidance and play a developmental role with a partner. Under this arrangement the students are not enrolled with the University. 

​To find out more about Cardiff Metropolitan University's partners​ and their provision in Wales, England or overseas, please use the menu on the left hand side. For a full list of our partners and courses delivered please see our Register of partnerships and collaborative provision​​.

The University also provides partners with information relating to the various processes and functions involved in a successful collaboration through the Collaborative Provision Handbook.