This degree will undergo a periodic review in 2025 to ensure the course content is and remains current. Should any changes to course content be made as a result of the review, all applicants will be informed once changes are confirmed.
About the Course
The aim of the MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management is to enable students to attain the essential critical knowledge of entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation management theory and its application. It aims to develop people who think differently, giving you the skills you need to take new and exciting ideas to market, and create successful businesses around them.
The course also gives students the opportunity to explore and critically assess what it means to be entrepreneurial and innovative in today's global market environment. It will give you insights into and practical experience of the issues facing new business ventures and renewing established businesses through fostering creativity, design, and new ways of thinking. It builds theoretical knowledge alongside the core business skills needed to start new enterprises and transform existing ones through innovations in product, process or business models.
You will also discover how to use innovation to make a difference in your own business and in other organisations, and learn about important areas of entrepreneurship – including product development, intellectual property, and entrepreneurship theory and practice. The course builds core knowledge, raised to new levels by highlighting the networks and relationships needed for collaborative work in increasingly international markets for goods and services. You will then select from a range of options to focus your learning and execute a major practical exercise to help launch your new career.
Our expert academic team will guide your studies and help you develop a global perspective of the business world. We work closely with employers and professional bodies to ensure you have appropriate and relevant study opportunities for your personal and professional development.
The course is typically offered as a one-year, full-time programme. Any part-time students would follow a similar programme structure, over a longer time period.
The programme is modular in design. In order to obtain the MSc award, each student will be required to successfully complete 180 credits.
It is comprised of six 20 credit taught modules and then students have a choice between a Dissertation, or an Enterprise & Innovation Project, which are each worth 60 credits.
The taught element for the full-time course is offered over two Semesters, and students will complete their final project/dissertation in their third Semester. The standard School Semester duration is 12 weeks.
A 20 credit module represents 200 hours of student effort, while the 60 credit module represents 600 hours of student effort.
In summary, on this course you'll:
- Learn business planning, the development and marketing of new products, and financial management
- Understand concepts of innovation management and entrepreneurship, theories, models and analytical frameworks, and their application in business policy and strategy
- Benefit from our research, consultancy projects, visits from external guest speakers and live case studies
- Be supported by academic staff with expertise in the area
- Tap in to the resources available to students who are actively involved with entrepreneurial business activities through our Centre for Entrepreneurship
- Have 24/7 access to our library's extensive resources, including books, ejournals and newspapers
- Research, plan and produce an independent project, expanding on your understanding of innovation management or entrepreneurship and giving you the opportunity to specialise in an area of your choice
Term 1
Compulsory Modules:
Entrepreneurship, Start-up and Growth (20 credits)
Innovation Management (20 credits)
Business Planning and Control (20 credits)
Award - PG Certificate (60 credits)
Term 2
Compulsory Modules:
Marketing Intelligence (20 credits)
In Search of Creativity, Innovation & Difference (20 credits)
International Business Strategies (20 credits)
Award – PG Diploma (120 credits)
Term 3
Dissertation (60 credits) OR Enterprise & Innovation Project (60 credits)
Final Award – MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (180 credits)
The MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management is delivered on a traditionally taught method with scheduled lectures, seminars and tutorials during taught semesters and the online learning environment. Combined, these allow students to develop skills for life in the knowledge economy.
The programme team has a commitment to high quality research led teaching, and they incorporate a wide variety of learning and teaching techniques to form a collaborative partnership with students to facilitate depth of learning and criticality. In this way, they are able to foster group interaction and allow students to engage with ideas, questions and discussions and learn from each other's pool of knowledge.
Modules have a structured approach in their design and students access the course content via Moodle, the virtual learning environment. All staff are developing modules to offer students a shared learning experience with other students and module tutors. They involve varying levels in using discussion boards and blogs and more interactive learning tools and techniques as well as the self-study materials.
Assessments relate directly to learning outcomes and one assessment usually covers a range of learning outcomes. Candidates are assessed in taught modules and by means of a dissertation or business plan module.
Summative assessment - for this programme is both challenging and creative. Students will face an assessment diet that focuses extensively upon the use of authentic assessment tasks and problem-based learning. Assessment on this programme, like the teaching is blended, with a wide variety of assessments, written tasks will require students to approach such tasks in unique and distinct ways (essay, business reports, business plan, case study analysis). Students will be required to present work verbally individually and as a group, to an audience. The completion of an end of programme research project will establish and capture the students independent study skills.
Support for students and their learning
A range of support is provided prior to and during the programme, including:
Student Charter
Induction Programme
University Student Handbook
Student Programme Handbook
Library and study skills packages
Library and learning resources
Open door policy to staff, especially programme director, year tutor and module leaders
University-wide IT facilities as well as programme-specific computer rooms
Access to Student Services including those offered by Disability support, Counselling,
Mental Health support, Finance and Welfare advice, I-Zone, Out of Hours assistance, Chaplaincy and Health Service.
Student Union representation and services including advocacy and support.
This course has a clear focus on both Entrepreneurship and Innovation and allows students to tailor their project to their own needs with the choice between a practical project or a Dissertation.
The course is delivered by research focused staff and incorporates input from Entrepreneurs and senior academics in the area of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Students on the MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management will be encouraged to participate in the Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Awards for students. The annual business pitching competitions aims at providing a financial boost to students and graduate business ventures in their early stages.
Assessments relate directly to learning outcomes and one assessment usually covers a range of learning outcomes. Candidates are assessed in taught modules and by means of a dissertation or business plan module.
Summative assessment - for this programme is both challenging and creative. Students will face an assessment diet that focuses extensively upon the use of authentic assessment tasks and problem-based learning. Assessment on this programme, like the teaching is blended, with a wide variety of assessments, written tasks will require students to approach such tasks in unique and distinct ways (essay, business reports, business plan, case study analysis). There are no formal examinations on this award. Students will be required to present work verbally individually and as a group, to an audience. The completion of an end of programme research project will establish and capture the students independent study skills.
Formative assessment - will play a large part in the programme, utilising where possible, peer assessment and evaluation.
The MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management graduates will have the potential to start up their own company, become far more entrepreneurial and innovative within a larger organisation or go on to further studies at Cardiff Met. The school has the capacity to supervise PhDs and other higher awards in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation.
We will help you to identify internships, voluntary roles and opportunities that will complement your studies.
When you finish the course, our Careers service can help you find a job that puts your innovation skills to work. After you leave the University, you can get help, advice and support for up to 3 years from our Careers service as you advance in your career.
Careers and opportunities
You'll be able to pursue management careers in the private and public sector, in innovation management, entrepreneurship, and the management of small enterprises.
Career opportunities include:
- Marketing
- New product development
- Innovation
- Research and development
- Technology
- Engineering
- Project management
- Administration
- The arts
You will also be able to enter or advance more quickly in a career in business, manufacturing, healthcare and knowledge management, or in a consultancy-based role.
Applicants should meet one of the following:
- Possess, or expect to obtain, an undergraduate degree, or equivalent from a recognised University with a minimum of a 2:2 classification;
- Have a minimum of 3 years relevant employment/ self-employment or work experience;
- Hold a professional or other qualification, which is deemed acceptable for admission by Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Those who do not meet the above criteria will be considered on an individual basis.
The programme is conducted in English, and thus candidates are expected to have an IELTS score if they have not undertaken their previous studies in the language. The IELTS score should be a minimum of 6.0, with no sub score being lower than 5.5.
The admission process is controlled by Cardiff Metropolitan University's central units in consultation with the Programme Director:
- Admissions Unit – for UK applications
- International and Partnerships Office – for EU/Overseas applications
Applicants are able to apply for admission with credit/advanced standing in line with Cardiff Metropolitan University's procedures. Please refer to the Academic Handbook for further information on Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning.
How to Apply:
Applications for this course should be made direct to the university via our self-service facility. For further information please visit our How to Apply pages at
For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email
For course specific enquiries, please contact the Programme Director, Dr Rebecca Smith:
Llandaff Campus
Cardiff School of Management
September and January intakes available
1 year full time.
3 years part time.
We endeavour to deliver courses as described and will not normally make changes to courses, such as course title, content, delivery, and teaching provision. However, it may be necessary for the University to make changes in the course provision before or after enrolment. It reserves the right to make variations to content or delivery methods, including discontinuation or merging courses if such action is considered necessary. For the full information, please read our Terms and Conditions.