Home>International>Students from the Netherlands visit Cardiff Met School of Management

Students from the Netherlands collaborate with Cardiff Met School of Management students

A group of ten Business and ICT students from Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven, Netherlands visited Cardiff School of Management as part of a project where students from both institutions have been able to experience remote software development first-hand.
Students have been working collaboratively on software development projects, many of them creating apps, from their separate institutions since January. This visit provided the undergraduates with the opportunity to work on the projects face-to-face in an informal setting, as well as delivering a progress report to the rest of the group. This was the first time the universities have joined efforts on this type of assignment which has given students a unique and invaluable insight into the challenges of remote software development.
As part of the visit, students from Fontys University of Applied Science also had the opportunity to spend some time enjoying the city of Cardiff. 
Dr Ana Calderon, Cardiff Met lecturer in Computing and Information Systems, commented:
“It was pleasing to see all the hard work from the students culminate in such great presentations and demonstrations of their software. Several staff members attended the demonstration sessions and commented positively on their creativity and technical success.”