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Gareth Walters

Laboratory Manager Research & Enterprise
Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences


Gareth graduated with a degree in Biology from Portsmouth University in 1995 and joined Cardiff Metropolitan University soon after. After a short period supporting Microbiology, he moved to support the BMS undergraduate project laboratory and developed a keen interest in analytical instrumentation. In 1997 he began a part-time MSc in Biomedical Science which he completed in 2000.

Gareth became a Technician Demonstrator in 2001, and has continued to undertake this role throughout his career. He primarily provides support to chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology practical classes.

In 2008, work began on an extension to D Block, Llandaff. This new build would house a bespoke suite of Biomedical Science research and enterprise (R&E) laboratories. In 2009, Gareth moved into these laboratories, becoming part of a small team providing technical support to R&E in a variety of disciplines including flow cytometry, brightfield and fluorescent microscopy, real-time PCR, GC/MS, LC/MS and cell culture.

In 2016 Gareth became Laboratory Manager (R&E), leading a small team of technical staff supporting all aspects of the R&E laboratories. Gareth is a member of the Research Laboratory Management Group (RLMG) and chairs the Research Laboratory Users Group (RLUG).

Membership of CSHS Committees / Groups:

  • Managing Safely and Policy Working Group
  • Health and Safety Committee
  • Health and Safety Inspection Team Working Group
  • Genetic Modification Safety Committee

Research Publications

Inflammatory adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles promote leukocyte attachment to vascular endothelial cells

Wadey, R. M., Connolly, K. D., Mathew, D., Walters, G., Rees, D. A. & James, P. E., 24 Jan 2019, In: Atherosclerosis. 283, p. 19-27 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

SIRT6 protects human endothelial cells from DNA damage, telomere dysfunction, and senescence

Cardus, A., Uryga, A. K., Walters, G. & Erusalimsky, J. D., 1 Mar 2013, In: Cardiovascular Research. 97, 3, p. 571-579 9 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Research Explorer Profile Visit the research portal