BEAUCHAMP, G., Adams, D. and Smith, K. (2023) Pedagogies for the Future: A Critical Reimagining of Education, The Routledge Education Studies Series, London: Routledge
Brundrett, M., Beauchamp, G., Latham, P., Mistry, M., Murray, M., Taylor, B., Wood, P. (Eds) (2022) Contemporary Issues in Primary Education: Fifty Years of Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. London: Taylor and Francis
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2017) Computing and ICT in the Primary School: From pedagogy to practice, 2nd Edition. London: David Fulton/Routledge (See )
BEAUCHAMP, G., Clarke, L., Hulme, M., Jephcote, M., Kennedy, A., Magennis, G., Menter, I., Murray, J., Mutton, T., O'Doherty, T. and Peiser, G. (2016) Teacher Education in Times of Change. Bristol: Policy Press. ( )
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice. London: Pearson.
Book chapters
Adams, D. and Beauchamp, G. (in press) 'Immersion and transcendence through music making in the more-than-human world' in Moula, Z. and Walshe, N. (eds) Arts in Nature with Children and Young People: A Guide Towards Health Equality, Wellbeing, and Sustainability. London: Taylor and Francis.
Hamilton, L., Hulme, M., Beauchamp. G. and McFlynn, P. (in press) 'The practicum during and after the pandemic in the four countries of the UK: Teacher Educators talking innovations, increasing pastoral roles and future challenges in four distinct systems' in Pattison-Meek, J. and Phillips (eds) C. Pedagogies of Practicum: Post-Pandemic Reflections on Innovation in Practice Teaching. Peter Lang Publishing.
Beauchamp, G., Major, L. and Young, N. (in press) 'Technology and dialogue in the primary classroom' in Leask, M and Younie, S, Teaching and learning with technologies in the Primary School. London: RoutledgeTaylorFrancis.
Beauchamp, G., Brooks, P. and Farag, J. (in press) 'Digital technologies and Assessment' in Leask, M and Younie, S, (in press 2023) Teaching and learning with technologies in the Primary School. London: RoutledgeTaylorFrancis.
Beauchamp, G., Chapman. S., Young, N. and Kelly. K. (in press) 'Interactive Technologies and Outdoor Learning' in Leask, M and Younie, S, (in press 2023) Teaching and learning with technologies in the Primary School. London: RoutledgeTaylorFrancis.
Hamilton, L., Beauchamp, G., Hulme, M., Harvey, J.A. and Clarke, L. (2023) 'Challenges for school leadership and management in the four nations of the United Kingdom during the pandemic: conceptual shifts and implications for future thinking' in Brookes, S. (ed) Handbook on Leading in the Public Interest: Re-imagining Public Leadership in a post-pandemic paradigm? Edward Elgar Publishing
BEAUCHAMP, G., Borley, H., and Pritchard, N. (2021) 'Digital classrooms: pedagogy and practice' in Hulme. M., O'Sullivan, R. and Smith, R. (eds) Mastering Teaching: Thriving as an Early Career Teacher, Milton Keynes: OUP. pp.60-67
BEAUCHAMP, G., Davis, S., Haughton, C., Ellis, C., Adams, D., Sarwar, S., Dumitrescu, S. and Tyrie, J., 'Well-being and outdoor learning' (2020) in Williams-Brown, Z. and Mander, S. (Eds) Childhood wellbeing and resilience: influences on educational outcomes. London: Routledge. pp.91-101
BEAUCHAMP, G., Haughton, C., Ellis, C., Sarwar, S., Tyrie, J., Adams, D. and Dumitrescu, S. (2019) 'Using video to research outdoors with young children' in Brown, Z. and Perkins, H. (eds) Beyond the Conventional: Using innovative methods in early years research, London: Routledge. pp.124-137
Hodgkin, K. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2019) 'Ethical considerations in using innovative methods in Early Education research' in Brown, Z. and Perkins, H. (eds) Beyond the Conventional: Using innovative methods in early years research, London: Routledge. pp.19-30
BEAUCHAMP, G., YOUNG, N. and PRICE, R. (2019) 'Mobile learning and outdoors' in Gray, C. and Palaiologou, I. (ed) Early learning in the digital age, digital pedagogy and early childhood, London: Sage. pp.196-209
BEAUCHAMP, G., WILKINSON, S., HODGKIN, K. AND PICKFORD, A. (2018) 'Growing up in the twenty-first century' in Brown, Z. and Ward, S. (Eds) Contemporary Issues in Childhood: A Bio-ecological Approach. London: Routledge. pp.138-149
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2016) 'Understanding the World' ' in Palaiologou, I. (ed) The Early Years Foundation Stage: Theory and Practice. 3rd Edition. London: Sage. pp423-438
BEAUCHAMP, G. with Purcell, N. (2016) 'Current Developments in Education' in Wyse, D. and Rogers, S. (eds) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching. London: SAGE. pp45-66
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2016) 'Writing and reporting the research' in Palaiologou, I., Needham, D. and Male, T. (Eds.) Doing Research in Education: Theory and Practice. London: SAGE. pp. 263-282. ( )
BEAUCHAMP, G. and JEPHCOTE, M. (2016) 'Teacher Education in Wales: towards an enduring legacy' in Beauchamp et al Teacher Education in Times of Change. Bristol: Policy Press. pp.109-124
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2015) 'Assessment and ICT' in Younie, S., Leask, M., and Burden, K. (eds) Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Primary School., 2nd Edition. pp.210-224 ( )
HILLIER, E. AND BEAUCHAMP, G. (2014) 'IWB in Language Education for learners with special educational needs: learning Welsh at primary school' in Cutrim Scmid, E. and Whyte, S. (eds) Teaching Languages with Technology: Communicative Approaches to Interactive Whiteboard Use. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. (
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2013) 'Understanding the World' in Palaiologou, I. (ed) The Early Years Foundation Stage: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. London: Sage. pp.286-298 (See )
ELLIS, C. AND BEAUCHAMP, G. (2012) 'Ethics in working with and researching children with Special Educational Needs' in Palaiologou, I. (ed) Ethical Practice in Early Children. London: Sage. pp.47-60 (See )
BEAUCHAMP, G. and HAUGHTON, C. (2012) 'Ethics in studying Early Years' in Palaiologou, I. Ethical Practice in Early Childhood. London: Sage. pp.147-158 (See )
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2009) 'Knowledge and understanding of the World' in Palaiologou, I. (ed) (2009) The Early Years Foundation Stage: Theory and Practice, London: Sage, pp.167-177
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2006) - 'New technologies and 'new teaching': a process of evolution?' in Changing Teaching and Learning in the Primary School Ed. Webb, R. OPEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. pp.81-91.
Chapman, S., Ellis, R., Beauchamp, G., Sheriff, L., Stacey, D., Waters-Davies , J., Lewis, A., Jones, C., Griffiths, M., Chapman, S.J., Wallis, R., Sheen, E., Crick, T., Lewis , H., French, G. and Atherton, S. “My picture is not in Wales": Pupils' Perceptions of Cynefin (Belonging) in Primary School Curriculum Development in Wales, (2023) Education 3-13, 51:8, pp.1214-1228 .
Beauchamp, G. and Gear, R. (2023) 'ASPE: a too well-kept secret?', Education 3-13, 51:8, pp.1211-1213.
Beauchamp., G. and Adams, D. (2023) 'Primary school teachers' perceptions of their pupils' (aged 7-11 years) experiences of undertaking contemplative activities at nature reserve settings, Education 3-13, 51:8, pp. 1342-1353,
Beauchamp, G., Joyce-Gibbon, A., Clarke, L., Hulme, M. and Hamilton. L. (2023) 'Conceptualising headteachers' leadership of education technology in schools across the United Kingdom during the early months of COVID'. Management in Education, OnlineFirst,
Breeze, T., Beauchamp, G., Bolton, N. and McInch, A. (2022) 'A Secondary music teachers: a case study at a time of education reform in Wales', Music Education Research
Beauchamp, G. and Breeze, T. (2022) 'Pedagogy versus performance in primary classroom music teaching: Lessons from a 'usable past' in Wales', Wales Journal of Education, 24(2), pp.97-102 DOI;
Adams, D. and Beauchamp, G. (2022) 'A loss of “cynefin" – losing our place, losing our home, losing our self', Wales Journal of Education, 24/1, DOI:
Beauchamp, G., Chapman, S., Risquez, A., Becaas, S., Ellis, C., Empsen, M., Farr, F., Hoskins, L., Hustinx, W., Murray, L., Palmaers, S., Spain, S., Timus, N., White, M., Whyte, S. and Young, N. (2022) 'Moving beyond the formal: Developing significant networks and conversations in higher education: reflections from an interdisciplinary European project team', Teaching in Higher Education.
Adams, D., and Beauchamp, G. (2021a). A study of the experiences of children aged 7-11 taking part in mindful approaches in local nature reserves. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21(2), pp.129-138.
Adams , D. and Beauchamp, G. (2021b) 'The impact of music-making outdoors on primary school aged pupils (aged 7-10 years) in the soundscape of nature from the perspective of their primary school teachers', Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 24, pp.37-53.
Adams, D. and Beauchamp, G. (2021c). 'Other knowings and experiencing otherness: Children's perspectives of playing a hunting game in a nature reserve', Australian Journal of Environmental Education (2021), 1–16. doi:10.1017/aee.2021.10
Breeze, T. and Beauchamp, G. (2021) 'Barriers and enablers to undergraduate music students undertaking a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) secondary music programme', British Journal of Music Education. 1-13. doi:10.1017/S0265051721000188
Barrable, A., Booth, D., Adams, D, and Beauchamp, G. (2021) 'Enhancing nature connection and positive affect in children through mindful engagement with natural environments', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 4785. DOI:
Hulme, M., Beauchamp, G, Clarke, L., and Hamilton, L. (2021) 'Collaboration in times of crisis: leading UK schools in the early stages of a pandemic', Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI:
Beauchamp, G., Hulme, M., Clarke, L., Hamilton, L. and Harvey, J.A. (2021) 'People miss people': a study of school leadership and management in the four nations of the United Kingdom in the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic', Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. 49(3), pp. 375–392 DOI:
Tosuntas, S.B., Cubukcu, Z. & Beauchamp, G. (2021). A new model for the factors that affect interactive whiteboard usage of teachers and its effect on performance. Education and Information Technologies, 26, 3575–3592.
Tosuntas, S. B., Cubukcu, Z., & Beauchamp, G. (2021) 'Teacher performance in terms of technopedagogical content knowledge competencies', Kastamonu Education Journal, 29(1), 63 -83.
Ellis, C., Beauchamp, G., Sarwar, S., Tyrie, J., Adams, D., Dumitrescu, S., and Haughton, C. (2021) 'Oh no, the stick keeps falling!': An analytical framework of young children's interactions during free play in a woodland setting. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 19(3), September 2021, pp.337-354. DOI:
Hulme, M., Beauchamp, G. and Clarke, L. (2020) 'Doing advisory work: the role of expert advisers in national reviews of teacher education', Journal of further and higher education, 44(4), pp. 498–512. Available at:
Tosuntas, S. B., Cubukcu, Z. & Beauchamp. G. (2020). 'Transition from blackboard to interactive whiteboard: Examining teachers' interactive whiteboard acceptance and use' [Kara tahtadan etkilesimli tahtaya gecis: Ogretmenlerin etkilesimli tahta kabul ve kullanimlarinin incelenmesi], Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 19(76), 1720-1740. doi: 10.17755/esosder.725694 PDF:
DAVIES, D., BEAUCHAMP, G., DAVIES, J. AND PRICE, R. (2020) 'The potential of the 'Internet of Things' to enhance inquiry in Singapore schools', Research in Science and Technological Education. 38(4), pp. 484-506 DOI: (Published online: 17 Jun 2019)
PUGH, C., THAYER, E., BREEZE, T., BEAUCHAMP, G., KNEEN, J., WATKINS, S. AND ROWLANDS, B. (2020) 'Perceptions of the New Role of the Research Champion in Developing a New ITE Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities for Schools and Universities', Wales Journal of Education, 20(2), pp.178-200
BEAUCHAMP, G., JOYCE-GIBBONS, A., MCNAUGHTON, J., YOUNG, N AND CRICK, T. (2019) 'Exploring synchronous, remote collaborative interaction between learners using multi-touch tables and Video Conferencing in UK primary schools', British Journal of Educational Technology. 50(6), pp.3214–3232
ADAMS, D., & BEAUCHAMP, G. (2019) 'Spiritual moments making music in nature. A study exploring the experiences of children making music outdoors, surrounded by nature', International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 24(3), pp.260-275.
EGAN, D., BEAUCHAMP, G., RHYS, M., & WILLIAMS, A. (2019). Research into the deployment of primary school support staff in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Government. (Digital ISBN 978-1-83876-682-5). Available at
TYRIE, J. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2018) 'Children's Perceptions of their Access to Rights in Wales: The Relevance of Gender and Age', International Journal of Children's Rights. 26 (2018) pp. 781-807
ADAMS, D. AND BEAUCHAMP, G. (2018) 'Portals between worlds: A study of the experiences of seven groups of children aged 7-11 years from six different primary schools in Wales making music outdoors.' Research Studies in Music Education. 40(1), 50–66.
MCNAUGHTON, J., JOYCE-GIBBONS, A., CRICK, T., BEAUCHAMP, G., YOUNG, N. AND TAN. E. (2017) 'Facilitating Collaborative Learning Between Two Primary Schools Using Large Multi-Touch Devices', Journal of Computers in Education. DOI:10.1007/s40692-017-0081-x (Available at )
MEERZA, A. AND BEAUCHAMP, G. (2017) 'Factors Influencing Attitudes towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Amongst Undergraduates: An Empirical Study Conducted in Kuwait Higher Education Institutions (KHEIs)', The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, April 2017, 16(2), pp.35-42 (Available at _
KALOGIROU, K., BEAUCHAMP, G. and WHYTE, S. (2017) 'Vocabulary Acquisition via Drama: Welsh as a second language in the primary school setting', The Language Learning Journal. DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2017.1283351(
HODGKIN, K., FLEMING, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND BRYANT, A. (2016) 'We thought you were undercover, here to inspect us' – some of the challenges of ethnographic fieldwork in schools', Wales Journal of Education, 18(2), pp.105-109.
BEAUCHAMP, G., BURDEN, K. AND ABBINETT, E. (2015) 'Teachers learning to use the iPad in Scotland and Wales: a new model of professional development', Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 41(2) pp. 161-179 DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2015.1013370
BEAUCHAMP, G., CLARKE, L., HULME, M. AND MURRAY, J. (2015) 'Teacher Education in the United Kingdom Post Devolution: Convergences and Divergences', Oxford Review of Education. 41(2), pp.154 – 170 DOI:10.1080/03054985.2015.1017403
BROOK, I. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2015) 'A study of final Year Education Studies Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Blended Learning within a Higher Education course', Educationalfutures, Volume 7 Number 1, pp.18-38
BEAUCHAMP, G. and CRICK, T. (2015) Scoping exercise and report to Welsh Government on to use of (and barriers to the use) digital technologies to support the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) in schools in Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff Metropolitan University.
WHYTE, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND ALEXANDER, J. (2014) 'Researching interactive whiteboard (IWB) use from primary school to university settings across Europe: an analytical framework for foreign language teaching', University of Wales Journal of Education. Volume 17. pp. 30-52
EVANS, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. and JOHN, V. (2014) 'Learners' experience and perceptions of informal learning in Key Stage 3 music lessons: a collective case study, exploring the implementation of Musical Futures in three secondary school in Wales', Music Education Research. 17(1), pp1-16. DOI: 10.1080/14613808.2014.950212
BALDWIN, L. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2014) 'A study of teacher confidence in teaching music within the context of the introduction of the Foundation Phase (0-7 years) statutory Education Programme in Wales', British Journal of Music Education. Volume 31 - Issue 02 - July 2014. pp 195 – 208 DOI:
VAN LAER, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND COLPAERT, J. (2014) 'Teacher use of the Interactive Whiteboards in Flemish Secondary Education - mapping against a transition framework', Education and Information Technologies. Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2014, pp.409-423. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-012-9228-6
BEAUCHAMP, G. and HILLIER, E. (2014) An Evaluation of iPad Implementation Across A Network of Primary Schools in Cardiff. Cardiff: Cardiff Metropolitan University. (Download from )
BEAUCHAMP, G., CLARKE, L., HULME, M. AND MURRAY, J. (2013) Policy and Practice within the United Kingdom (Research and Teacher Education: the BERA-RSA Inquiry). London: BERA (Download from )
HODGKIN, K., FLEMING, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND BRYANT, A. (2013) 'Perception to Reality: Pupils' expectations and experiences of the primary-secondary school transition.' Educationalfutures, Vol. 6 (1), November 2013, pp.28-40.
HILLIER, E., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND WHYTE, S. (2013) 'A study of self-efficacy in the use of interactive whiteboards across educational settings: a European perspective from the iTILT project'. Educationalfutures. Vol.5 (2) June 2013. pp.3-23. [PDF]
BEAUCHAMP, G. AND KENNEWELL, S. (2013) 'Transition in pedagogical orchestration using the interactive whiteboard', Education and Information technologies. Vol.18, No. 2, pp.179-191 DOI: 10.1007/s10639-012-9230-z
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2011) 'Interactivity and ICT in the primary school: categories of learner interactions with and without ICT', Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2011, pp.175–190 DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2011.588408
SALISBURY, J., ELLIS, C., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND HAUGHTON, C. (2011) 'What's Occurring? The what, why, how and when of research capacity building in a modest pilot project with EAL learners and science', Welsh Journal of Education, 15(1), pp.46-65
EGAN, D., BEAUCHAMP, G., ELLIS, C. AND HILLIER, E. (2011) 'An Early Evaluation Of The Cardiff Local Authority Literacy Strategy: Final Report to the Welsh Government New Ideas Fund. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
BEAUCHAMP, G., KENNEWELL, S., TANNER, H. and JONES. (2010) 'Interactive whiteboards and all that jazz: the contribution of musical metaphors to the analysis of classroom activity with interactive technologies', Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 19(2), pp.143-157.
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2010) 'The musical elements and subject knowledge in primary school trainee teachers: lessons from a five year longitudinal study', British Journal of Music Education, 27(03), pp.305-318 (DOI: 10.1017/S0265051710000252)
BEAUCHAMP, G., ELLIS, C., ELLIOTT, B. AND TOMOS, B. (2010) 'Improving teaching for the 7-14 age range', Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government
BEAUCHAMP, G. and KENNEWELL, S. (2010) 'Interactivity in the classroom and its impact on learning', Computers and Education. 54. pp.759-766.
JONES, S., TANNER, H., KENNEWELL, S., PARKINSON, J., DENNY, H., ANTHONY, C., BEAUCHAMP, G., JONES, B., LEWIS, H., & LOUGHRAN, A. (2009) 'Using Video Stimulated Reflective Dialogue to support the development of ICT based pedagogy in Mathematics and Science', The Welsh Journal of Education, 14(2), pp.63-77
KENNEWELL, S., TANNER, H., BEAUCHAMP, G., PARKINSON, J., JONES, S., MEIRING, L., NORMAN, N., MORGAN, A., THOMAS, G. (2009) 'Interactive Teaching and ICT', The Welsh Journal of Education, 14(2), pp.29-44
TANNER, H., JONES, S., KENNEWELL, S., PARKINSON, J., DENNY, H., ANTHONY, C., BEAUCHAMP, G., JONES, B., JONES, D., LEWIS, H., & LOUGHRAN, A. (2009) 'An investigation of the affordances of ICT for the development of effective pedagogy in mathematics and science classrooms – the i-ped project', The Welsh Journal of Education, 14(2), pp.137-143
KENNEWELL, S., TANNER, H., JONES, S., PARKINSON, J., LOUGHRAN, A., LEWIS, H., BEAUCHAMP, G., JONES, B., AND ANTHONY, C. (2009) Final report to Becta concerning the use of video-stimulated reflective dialogue for professional development in ICT. (Available from )
BEAUCHAMP, G. and KENNEWELL, S. (2008) 'The influence of ICT on the interactivity of teaching', Special Issue of the Education and Information Technologies, Vol.13, No. 4, pp.305-315.
BEAUCHAMP, G. and PARKINSON, J. (2008) 'Pupils' perspectives of science as they transfer from an ICT-rich primary school to a secondary school with fewer ICT resources', Education and Information Technologies, 13 (2), pp.103 - 118
KENNEWELL, S., TANNER, H, JONES, S and BEAUCHAMP, G (2008) Analysing the use of interactive technology to implement interactive teaching' Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 24(1), 61-73.
HIGGINS, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. and MILLER, D. (2007) 'Reviewing the literature on interactive whiteboards', Learning, Media and Technology 32(3), pp.213-225
KENNEWELL, S. and BEAUCHAMP.G. (2007) 'The features of interactive whiteboards and their influence on learning', Learning, Media and Technology 32(3), pp.227-241
KENNEWELL, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. JONES, S., NORMAN, N., PARKINSON, J., TANNER, H., THOMAS, G. AND MORGAN, A. (2007). 'The Use of ICT to Improve Learning and Attainment through Interactive Teaching: Full Research Report'. ESRC End of Award Report, RES-139-25-0167-A. Swindon: ESRC
BEAUCHAMP, G. AND HARVEY, J. (2006) 'It's one of those scary areas': Leadership and Management of Music in Primary Schools', British Journal of Music Education 23(1), pp.5-22
HARVEY, J and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2005) 'What we're doing, we do musically': Leading and Managing music in Secondary Schools', Educational Management Administration and Leadership, January 2005, 33(1), pp51-67
BEAUCHAMP, G. and PARKINSON,J. (2005) 'Beyond the 'wow' factor: Developing interactivity with the interactive whiteboard', School Science Review March 2005 86(316), pp.97-103
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2004) 'Teacher use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) in primary schools – towards an effective transition framework', Technology, Pedagogy and Education Volume 13 (3) 2004, pp.327 – 348
KENNEWELL, S. and BEAUCHAMP.G.(2003) 'The influence of a technology-rich classroom environment on elementary teachers' pedagogy and children's learning', Young Children and Learning Technologies, (eds. J Wright, A McDougall, J Murnane and J Lowe). Sydney: Australian Computer Society, pp.65-70.
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2003) 'From Hadow to Gittins: a music education framed by the people or for the people - cultural aspirations and official validation of primary school music in Wales', Journal of Educational Administration & History, Volume 35, No. 2 September 2003, pp.127-135
BEAUCHAMP, G. (1997)' INITIAL TRAINING + INSET = Confident teachers. A formula for success?', British Journal of Music Education Volume 14 No. 1 (1997) pp.69-85
BEAUCHAMP, G. (1997)' INSET IN THE CLASSROOM: lessons for INSET provision from an audio strategy for non-specialist teachers of Music in the Primary School', Journal of In-service Education Volume 23 No. 2, pp.205-218
BEAUCHAMP, G. (1995) National Curriculum Music (Wales): The 'Third Language? The Welsh Journal of Education Volume 5 No. 1 pp.42-54
Published paper in peer refereed conference proceedings
KALOGIROU, K. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2014) 'Croeso VAD: Welsh Vocabulary Acquisition via Drama!' Performing Arts in Language Learning Proceedings of the International Conference, Rome 23/24October 2014. ISBN 978N88N96875N01N8
WHYTE, S., BEAUCHAMP, G., & HILLIER, E. (2012). 'Perceptions of the IWB for second language teaching and learning: the iTILT project'. In L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds.), CALL: Using, Learning, Knowing, EUROCALL Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 August 2012, Proceedings (pp.320-6). © Dublin 2012. doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2012.000074
TANNER, H., JONES, S., BEAUCHAMP, G. AND KENNEWELL, S. (2010) 'Interactive whiteboards and all that jazz: analyzing classroom activity with interactive technologies' in Sparrow, L., Kissane, B. and Hurst, C. (Eds.) Shaping the future of mathematics education: Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Fremantle: MERGA. Pp.547-544.
TANNER, H., JONES, S., KENNEWELL, S. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2005) 'Interactive Whiteboards and Pedagogies of Whole Class Teaching' in Clarkson, C., Downton, A., Gronn, D., Horne, M., McDonough, A., Pierce, R. and Roche, A. (eds), Building Connections: Research, Theory and Practice; Proceedings of the Annual Conference held at RMIT, Melbourne, 7th-9th July, 2005.
KENNEWELL, S. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2003) 'The influence of a technology-rich classroom environment on elementary teachers' pedagogy and children's learning' in Wright, J., McDougall, A., Murnane, J. and Lowe, J., Eds. (2003). Young Children and Learning Technologies. Selected papers from the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.5 Open Conference. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Melbourne, Australia, ACS. Volume 34. pp65-70.
Professional journal articles
BEAUCHAMP, G. and CRICK, T. (2017) 'A puzzling picture', The Welsh Agenda, 58, pp.41-42
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2008) 'Forum: Do you need grade 8 to be a good music teacher?', Classroom Music. Issue 24. Rhinegold Press. p5.
WRIGHT, R. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2008) 'Whatever happened to the Land of Song: The plight of young people's music in Wales', NAME (The National Association of Music Educator) Magazine, No 24, pp21-22
BEAUCHAMP, G., DAVIES-BARNES, S. and LAWTON, J. (2008) 'Did I really say that? Some thoughts on videoing your music lessons as a means of professional development', Primary Music Today Issue 40
HARVEY, J. and BEAUCHAMP, G. (2007) 'Leading and managing Music in secondary Schools: is music different?', Ensemble The Journal of the MMA. No.74. January 2007. pp5-9.
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2007) 'Music of a time and place: Serialism (or is it musical maths?)', Primary Music Today, Issue 37, pp26-27
BEAUCHAMP, G. (2006) 'ICT and science: what does research have to say to teachers?', Education in Science, 219, September 2006, 30-31
BEAUCHAMP. G., FOWLER, P., HARLEN, W., OVERSBY, J., RILEY, L. and TOPLIS, P. (2005) 'Science Education Research: what is it and who is it for?', Education in Science, February 2005, pp12-13
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2004) 'Research, ICT and science: some thoughts on primary/secondary transition', Education in Science, November 2004, pp14-16
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2003) 'Research in science by primary teachers: a growth industry?', Education in Science, Number 201, February 2003
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2003) 'The Interactive Whiteboard', Ensemble The Journal of the MMA. No.64 September 2003, p28
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2003) 'Winds and Weather – Resources for KS1', Music Teacher, December 2003, pp28-31
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2003) 'The interactive whiteboard and music teaching', Primary Music Today, Issue 26, Winter 2003, pp15-19
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2002) 'Using 20th century music in the primary classroom', Primary Music Today, Issue 22 Summer 2002
BEAUCHAMP. G. (2000) 'Valuables enclosed: Handle with Care Practical advice for making the most of music projects', Primary Music Today, Issue 16 Spring 2000 pp21-23
BEAUCHAMP. G. (1999) '20th century Music: Composing with an open mind', Music in the Curriculum, Issue 38 Spring 1999. pp5-6
BEAUCHAMP. G. (1999) 'Music and technology: a marriage made in heaven?', Liberty. Volume 4.2 1999
BEAUCHAMP. G. (1998) 'Who's that man with the violin?' in Primary Music Today Issue 10 January 1998 pp8-10
BEAUCHAMP. G. (1998) 'Alive and singing', Liberty, Volume 3.4 1998 pp37-39
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